One night in the hospital, sisters and brothers from the church were standing outsid the surgery room, praying.

They were praying for my younger brother's birth and my mom's safety. 

The operation almost killed both of them, cuz it was an emergency.

Fortunately, the nurse came out to bring us good news.

The baby and the mother were both safe.

I still remember the first day my parents took him home.

He was so skinny and black.

His size was two-palms, and he was just like a little monkey.

He only weighed 1.5 kilograms!

I dare not touch him cuz I was afraid of hurting him.

What's more, the doctor said that his heart was imperfect.

There was a hole in it.

We named him "bless" in Mandarin cuz we hoped that God blessed him.

Hopefully, years passed, and my brother has grown up healthily day by day under our caring and love.

Now he is as strong as a bull.

He practices Karate.

And he is also funny.

He loves to act like a clown to make us laugh.

We love him so much!


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