Comparing to Mr. Handsome and Mr. Ugly,
     I prefer Mr. Moderate the most.

I'm used to calling them Mr. M.

Recently, I've found one.
We take the same course, "The World of Zhuangzi," this semester.

You may ask how he looks.
Well, maybe nothing special.
I mean, he looks normal, just like others.
But that's certainly why he attracts me.
As the mention on the first paragraph, I'm fond of Mr. M!

And how does he attract me?
I'm not sure if I perceive the sincereness from the expression in his eyes.
But I feel ease every time when I gaze at him.
Sounds romantic?!
Actually, he found out that I was looking at him.
From then on,
    there's always intersections between our lines of sight on Wednesdays.

At present, guess what?
He asked my MSN or number?!
Well, unexpectedly, no!
Doing the same thing every week on the class, 
    we just saw each other many times.
What's more, we didn't talk at all until the semester is ended.

Will I see you again, Mr. M?
Oh, boy, I don't even know your name!

Maybe colorful life exists because of such a pity?!
Just treat it as the commonness of our lives!

                             >> the way to convince myself...!?


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